Dolly Parton's Imagination Library logo

Dear Harrisburg Community Supporter,

We are a community that takes pride in Bulldog Excellence. That excellence does not just start when our children begin school. It begins first in our homes, our churches, our businesses, and our community. Encouraging Bulldog Excellence means that we want our children to be prepared for their future. A great future is not possible without encouraging literacy in our children from a very young age.

Country music star Dolly Parton was affected by illiteracy. Her father could not read or write, but encouraged his children to become literate in order for them to achieve success. To honor her father, she started the Imagination Library. The Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free high quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income.

I am proud to announce that Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has arrived in our community! With your help, our community can provide books to children ages birth to five years. As the community coordinator for this program, my role includes ensuring every child enrolled is supported financially. The yearly cost for a child to receive books is $26. We never want to turn away a child due to lack of funding, so please consider giving the gift of literacy to a child in our community.

If you would like to donate, make checks payable to Harrisburg R-VIII and write DPIL on the memo line. You may send donations to school with your student or you may mail them to Harrisburg Elementary, attn: Toby Class, 221 S Harris Street, Harrisburg, MO 65256.

For more information, contact me at or 573-875-0290.

With sincere thanks,

Toby Class, HEMS Library Media Specialist